Oneness: The Big Picture

"I’m always looking for programs with inspiring speakers and panels. This one has many, both known and unknown to me and I’ve really enjoyed the series so far."
"Just caught my first show and i love the program!!! I plan on watching more. Thank you!!!!"

Oneness: The Big Picture

  • In their quest to understand the mystery of Nature, scientists are now asking : Is there a singular unifying agent or force that holds the universe together ?
  • How can we understand the role of “consciousness” and its effect on the natural world ?

While deeply embedded in the core teachings of many great religions and almost all mystical and shamanic traditions, the concept of “Oneness” remains somewhat elusive, perhaps because it can be observed, felt, interpreted and expressed in a myriad of ways. While some recognize the unifying force of an all-powerful God, or the essential oneness of the human race, others apply the principle of Oneness to all life and the exquisite mechanism through which all living systems function and relate.

In this Global Spirit episode, Deepak Chopra, a physician and best-selling author of texts on mind-body healing, shares his philosophical insights on Oneness, citing recent scientific studies that point to consciousness as the fundamental basis of all reality, transcending location, space and time. Co-guest Riane Eisler, a social scientist, best-selling author and historian, sees Oneness not so much as a concept or an abstract state, but as a human goal — a call to put love and empathy into action and to remedy gender and economic inequalities that have prevented the full expression of unity consciousness.

Program Guests

Deepak Chopra is a physician of mind-body healing and a best-selling author on spirituality and consciousness. He is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, and a Senior Scientist with the Gallup Organization. In 1999, TIME magazine named him one of the 100 heroes and icons of the century, and called him “the poet-prophet of alternative medicine.”

Riane Eisler is a social scientist, attorney, and author of the best-selling book The Chalice and the Blade. Her work explores social conditions,economics and history to inspire connection and partnership among people and the environment. Eisler co-founded the Spiritual Alliance to Stop Intimate Violence, and is president of the Center for Partnership Studies.

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